报告人:唐大钊 副教授 (重庆师范大学)
时间:2025年03月07日 15:00-
摘要:Let B_\ell(n) denote the number of \ell-regular bipartitions of n. In this talk, we study congruence properties modulo powers of 5 for B_{5^k}(n). By establishing the exact generating functions of certain arithmetic progressions concerning B_{5^k}(n), we prove a large set of congruences modulo high powers of 5. This significantly extends the previous results of L. Wang (Ramanujan J.44 (2017), 471-491) and D. Ranganatha (Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 48 (2017), 449-465). This is a joint work with Zhuohang Chen.
邀请人: 傅士硕