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Course title:“Selected Topics in Combinatorics and Graph Theory”


报告人:Sergey Kitaev(University of Strathclyde)

时间:2024年06月27日  09:00-12:00



Lecture 10. Universal cycles (u-cycles) and universal words (u-words) for combinatorial structures 1  
Lecture 11. U-cycles and u-words for combinatorial structures 2  
Lecture 12. Universal partial words (u-p-words) and universal partial cycles (u-p-cycles)  

简介:Sergey Kitaev. Professor of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde.Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Science.Head of the Strathclyde Combinatorics Group.Editor of Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A and Proceedings of Edinburgh Mathematical Society.Author of 165+ publications including two Springer books.In the list of most cited mathematicians by graduation year.Invited Speaker at Algorithms and Software for Discrete Computational Mathematics, International Conference on Riordan Arrays and Related Topics, International Conference on Developments in Language Theory, International Permutation Patterns Conference, AMSMAA Joint Meetings and several other events.Leverhulme Research Fellow (2023-24).Chair of 26th British Combinatorial Conference, BCC 2017.


