时间:2024年04月18日 16:00-
摘要:In this work, we investigate the revenue-optimal insurance contracts when the risk attitude of the buyer is uncertain. We propose a menu of insurance contracts aimed at ensuring consistent revelation of buyer risk preferences while maximizing the seller’s profit. Our approach involves designing contracts based on a dual utility framework and implementing a nonlinear pricing structure. We identify situations where deductible contracts or coverage limit contracts are optimal.
简介:石本萱,滑铁卢大学精算系在读博士,博士导师为Bin Li和Mario Ghossoub教授。北美SOA准精算师。2023-2024年度Hickman奖学金获得者。本科与硕士就读于600全讯白菜网址,硕士期间师从张志民教授。主要研究方向为Decision Theory, Optimal Insurance 等。