报告人:Jean-Michel Coron(法国巴黎索邦大学)
时间:2024年04月12日 15:00-
摘要:Hyperbolic systems in one-space dimension appear in various real-life applications (navigable rivers and irrigation channels, heat exchangers, chemical reactors, gas pipes, road traffic, chromatography, ...). This presentation will focus on the stabilization of these systems by means of boundary controls. Stabilizing feedback laws will be constructed. This includes explicit feedback laws that have been implemented for the regulation of the rivers La Sambre and La Meuse. The presentation will also address robustness issues, the case where source terms exist and the case where optimal time stabilization is considered.
简介:Jean-Michel Coron,法国巴黎索邦大学教授、法国科学院院士,国际数学家大会1小时报告一次、45分钟报告一次,曾获国际工业与应用数学学会Maxwell、法国科学院Léonid Frank奖,长期从事非线性偏微分方程的适定性、控制理论等研究。 2024年4月受聘为四川大学荣誉教授。