报告人 :黄良益(北京理工大学)
时间:上午 10:30
地址:600cc全讯白菜 LD202
报告摘要:We study multifractal properties of Bernoulli measure $\mu_p$ for homogeneous Cantor set determined by $([0,1], (2)_{k\ge 1}, (c_k)_{k\ge 1})$, where $0<p<1/2$ and $c_k$ is either $d_1$ or $d_2$ with $0<d_1<d_2<1/2$. It is proved by Wu (Sci. China, 2005) that if the occurrence frequency of $d_1$ in $(c_k)_{k\ge 1}$ exists, then the multifractal formalism holds. We show that if the frequency does not exist, then the multifractal formalism and Olsen’s refined multifractal formalism hold in some condition, and do not hold in other conditions. This answers one of the questions asked by Olsen (Adv. Math. 1995.)