报告人: 江永乐 (波兰科学院数学研究所 (IMPAN))
日 期: 2019年7月31日
时 间: 上午10:30
地 点: 理科楼 LD302
摘 要: Let H < G be countable discrete groups. In this talk, we discuss the following question: If H is a maximal subgroup among all subgroups with Haagerup property, is LH still a maximal von Neumann subalgebra among all von Neumann subalgebras with Haagerup property in LG? We present several concrete examples. As a by-product, we answer Ge’s questions on maximal von Neumann subalgebras. This is based on joint work with Adam Skalski.
报告人简介: 江永乐, 2017年于纽约州立大学布法罗分校获博士学位,现为波兰科学院数学研究所博士后,研究领域为算子代数及动力系统。