One-day Workshop of Geometric Analysis (2019) Of CQU & GXNU


报告人: Rongli Huang  (广西师范大学)

Wennian Huang (广西师范大学)

Tianling Jin  (香港科技大学)

Qianzhong Ou  (广西师范大学)

 :2019年3月16日  8:30--12:30

 :理科楼 LD302


On the second boundary value problem for Lagrangian mean curvature equation

Rongli Huang(广西师范大学) (8:30-9:;20)

Abstract: We proved the existence of convex solution to Lagrangian mean curvature equation with second boundary condition on uniformly convex domains in Rn, and then applied it to solve a boundary value problem for Lagrangian graphs with prescribed mean curvature potential in R2n.


Ground state solutions for asymptotically cubic Schrodinger-Maxwell equations

Wennian Huang(广西师范大学)(9:30-10:20)

Abstract: In this paper, by using variational methods and critical point theory, we study the existence of ground state solutions for the nonlinear Schrodinger-Maxwell equations

        -∆u+V(x)u+ ϕu=f(x,u)   in  R^3

         in R^3      NSM

where f is asymptotically cubic, V 1-periodic in each of x_1, x_2, x_3 and V is  >0. Under some more assumptions on V and f, we develop a direct and simple method to find ground state solution for (NSM). The main idea is to find a minimizing (PS) sequence for the energy functional outside the Nehari manifold by using the diagonal method.. This seems to be the first result satisfying the assumptions (V) and (N).


Asymptotic symmetry and local behavior of solutions of higher order conformally invariant equations with isolated singularities

         Tianling Jin (香港科技大学)(10:30-11:20)

Abstract: I will talk about sharp blow up rates of solutions of higher order conformally invariant equations in a bounded domain with an isolated singularity, and the asymptotic radial symmetry of the solutions near the singularity. This is an extension of the celebrated theorem of Caffarelli-Gidas-Spruck for the second order Yamabe equation with isolated singularities to higher order equations. Our approach uses blow up analysis for local integral equations, and is unified for all critical elliptic equations of order smaller than the dimension. I will also show the existence of Fowler solutions to the global equations. This is joint work with Jingang Xiong.


On the entire self-shrinking solutions to Lagrangian mean curvature flow

Qianzhong Ou(广西师范大学)(11:30-12:20)

Abstract: We show Bernstein type results for entire self-shrinking solutions to Lagrangian mean curvature flow in the pseudo-Euclidean space .  The proofs rely on a priori estimates and barriers construction.







Supported by

      National Natural Science Foundation of China;

College of Mathematics and Statistics, Chongqing University

College of Mathematics and Statistics, Guangxi Normal University


