报告人:徐 平(美国宾西法利亚州立大学)
时 间:2019年2月17日 15:20--16:10
地 点:理科楼 LD302
摘 要:Inspired by the Fourier inverse theorem, Weyl discovered the famous quantization formula. The latter gives rise to the first example of deformation quantization, called the Moyal product, on the standard symplectic manifold $R^2n$. The foundation of deformation quantization was laid out by Flato-Lichnerowicz school in the late 1970's based on the Gerstenhaber theory of deformation of algebras. The quantization problem of arbitrary Poisson manifolds was completely solved by Kontsevich in 1997, who proved a much more powerful theorem: the so called Formality Theorem. In this talk, I will give an elementary introduction to the theory of deformation quantization.