报告人: Marshall Hampton (University of Minnesota, Duluth)
时 间:2018年10月18日 16:30--17:30
地 点:理科楼 LA106
摘 要: Determining properties of central configurations of the N-Body Problem is an old but fruitful area of
mathematics.Previous approaches to proving finiteness results for central configurations of the N-body problem do not appear to scale well as the number of bodies is increased.The current best result is for the 5-body problem, and it does not completely prove the finiteness in that case.We hope to develop alternative methods by studying the deformation of the problem through a more general (homogeneous) potential and exploiting Morse theory.Several theorems on the regular polygon in this context will be presented, and many conjectures.
报告人简介:Marshall Hampton, 1994年毕业于斯坦福大学,取得数学与荣誉物理学科科学士学位(B.S., Mathematics and Honors in Physics),2002年在华盛顿大学取得博士学位,现任教于明尼苏达大学Duluth分校600cc全讯白菜。 Marshall Hampton教授是国际上知名的多体问题专家,其博士后期间与导师Richard Moeckel 教授合作解决了牛顿4体问题中心构型的有限性猜想,该论文发表在顶尖数学刊物《Inventions Mathematicae》上。